
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hard to find shoe sizes

It is said the average shoe size of women in the United State is a size 9. The hardest shoes sizes to find are size 6, 6 ½ and 11 through 13; if the larger sizes are found it’s usually the least appealing styles. Our feet are proportioned to our bodies and aids balance. The average model stands at 5’9 and has a shoe size of 10 or higher, this fact should prompt the fashion industry to ensure larger shoe sizes are available worldwide.  The shoe wholesalers also make it difficult for some retailers to have the hard to find shoes available; this is due to the way the wholesalers ship the shoes. When purchasing one has the option to choose from the shoes sizes provided.

6 ½
7 ½
8 ½
9 ½

7 ½
8 ½
9 ½

7 ½
8 ½
9 ½

To avoid a surplus or overage the retailer has to decide which option they will choose, and in most cases it is the first option thinking they have covered the smaller and average sizes there by neglecting the larger sizes. While the smaller sizes can be found more often than the larger sizes the shopper should keep in mind that they may be able to fit the shoe in a larger or smaller size depending on the cut and design of the shoe, choosing a wider shoe may also solve the problem.

How to store your shoes

Your favorite shoes deserves better than to be thrown around or jumbled up on the floor of your closet. There are many ways to store and protect your shoes. We have a few tips that will help your shoes keep its new and appealing looks; you decide which is best for you.
Shoe Racks can store anywhere from 10 up to 20 pairs of shoes, this shoe rack has wheels and can be rolled in and out of the closet.

Shoe Benches with its modern design can store up to 24 pairs of shoes; the shoe bench made of wood can also be used as furniture for instant placed in the right part of the house it can be used as a coffee table.

Over door shoe racks are made of soft durable material and plastic; draped over the door this rack stores up to 40 pairs of shoes.

Shoe boxes come in a variety of sizes and are great for storing and protecting your shoes, especially boots.

Storage bins. Many of them are clear and are also great because they allow you to have more space by stacking the bins on top of each other.

Original Shoe Box in good condition is also a great way to store your shoes.

There are also alternative options, such as under your bed. Place in the best storage bin that suits you, under the bed is an efficient way to store shoes that are not worn frequently such as seasonal or special occasions. The storage bins will not only protect your shoes from dust and damage; it will allow viewing your shoes easily. Whatever shoe storing system you decide upon, you want to maintain it properly and this can be done by organizing your shoes based on colors, most frequently used or seasonal. How do you store your stores?

Article Marketing

Article Marketing is one way to reach consumers, article marketing can be published on multiple sites; however Ezine article publisher has fresh and good content. Ezine has over 1,000000 visitors per day, to publish with Ezine you must meet their terms and criteria. If you choose to publish your article with Ezinearticle, they will provide you with helpful tips to meet the criteria and assistance with getting started and published. 

Call to Action

To get the consumers attention, we want to obtain information from them, before they view the page, we want them to opt in so that we can add them to a list which will forward the info to an autoresponder who will then send out contents to consumers who opted in.
We can use  AWEBER, or ICONTENT to build the lists. This process is called "Marketing Funnel" we get the leads, people are aware, they go through the funnel 80% do not buy, 20% will buy. The funnel also has a leak where 80% may not be interested. To bring the leads back we want to nurture them and send them reminders via email there by converting them into purchasing from our site.

The Buying Cycle

When a potiental customer lands on your page it takes them 8 seconds to decide if they want to remain there or move on to the next site. Your site must be exclusive and desireable to the potiental customer, with graphics and information that is relevant to the visitors. The value proposition must be strong emotionally and intellectually.

The buying cycle starts with awareness where the consumers has a problem or want/need a product, they then go on to research the item looking for options, features, benefits and prices. They may compare with others before buying which may lead to (transaction, conversions, and upsell) Depending on the buying time frame we want to keep track of where the buyer went and remind them of what they browsed. Once you have a potiental customer on your site you will want to engage, retain and convert them.


Content of your web site is “King” and is used to build value.
To get traffic to your website depends on the search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM): Keyword Optimization.
SEO Search engine optimization: On Site is content in the form of key words,
Organic searches results are the 1st 10, (SEM) are the 3 at the top and the results on the far right of the search engine page, are (SEO) pay per click every time a visitor clicks the owner pays.
SEM Search engine marketing: Off site. Pay per clicks are based on adwords